8th October 2020
Our clean team have been responding to business requests for deep cleaning of some areas within the Belfast One area. Pottinger’s entry was power washed with a focus on building frontages and cleaning of granite to enhance the sitting out areas in the entry. Weeding, graffiti removal and power washing was also undertaken in Rosemary and Lombard Street with special attention being paid to the granite pavers and the clean up of the planter on Lombard Street.
The team also undertook graffiti removal on Fountain Street at Linenhall Library, on vacant units on Donegall Place and also at Cornmarket.
We continue to work closely alongside Belfast City Council and Department for Infrastructure to ensure high levels of cleansing and maintenance in the city centre.
Our clean team are on hand throughout the week to provide additional cleansing services for Belfast One businesses. If there are any issues which you feel need addressed please contact our Operations Manager, Eimear McCracken on 07436396455 or email eimear@belfastone.co.uk.
*click images below to enlarge.