About Leona Barr

Leona Barr is a Director on the Belfast One Board.


Role: Centre Manager
Organisation CastleCourt

Leona Barr has been the Centre Manager of CastleCourt and has worked in Belfast City Centre since 2019.  Leona has worked in the retail sector since 2007. As well as the Belfast One Board of Directors, Leona is a member of the Belfast Chamber, the current Secretary of Northern Ireland Region of Shopping Centres (NIRSC) and the Current Revo Representative for Northern Ireland (UK Retail Property community organisation formerly BCSC).

Leona believes the Belfast One BID works hard to help deliver a more welcoming City to work, live and visit. She believes Belfast One can strategize to ensure opportunities are maximised. CastleCourt is integral to that journey and wants to build on the relationships with the other stakeholders to make Belfast the best it can be.